Giving Tuesday is a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. Every act of generosity counts and everyone has something to contribute toward building the better world we all want to live in.
This year, The Guidance Center will be raising funds on Giving Tuesday (November 28, 2023) to purchase comfort/care boxes for our Kids-TALK CAC program. Boxes are thoughtfully designed for each age group and may include crayons, coloring books, journal, play dough, stuffed animal, card game, stress ball, or fidget toy.
Children who have experienced trauma often feel a physical response to the stress of feeling threatened. Our bodies prepare us to respond to this threat by increasing our heart rate, and result in us having faster breathing, sweaty palms, and feeling shaky. It is an automatic stress response; however, this response can be troubling if children feel anxious or worried for a long period of time. Their stress response will be “on” all of the time and they remain in “survival” mode, which can make it difficult to cope and participate in everyday childhood activities. This is why comfort/care boxes are so incredible for the children that we serve.

  • It is important to help children calm their fight/flight/freeze responses. We can help support this by offering comfort and reassurance.
  • It has been shown that a pattern of repetitive and soothing tasks can help children become calm and feel safer.
  • Giving children choices is very important to helping them regain a sense of control. Giving children choices of comfort items to use helps them feel safer.
  • Allowing children the opportunity to regain a sense of normalcy and routine, in this instance through play, is very important to their healing process.
  • Providing children with comfort items and techniques to use to deal with their emotional reactions, which can sometimes feel overwhelming, helps children build confidence and resilience.

Please select “Giving Tuesday” in the top box below. Thank you for supporting our Kids-TALK Children’s Advocacy Center!

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