Summer Glow

Friday, June 14, 2024

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Grosse Ile, Michigan

Event Chairs Katie Daly Vitale, Santina Daly Bragadin, Christina Daly Gruber, and Marie Campo Daly invite you to kick off the summer season while enjoying a breathtaking view of the Detroit River at the beautiful home of Michael and Amber Sabat. Dinner outdoors with an expansive waterfront view and a live auction highlight the evening.
Summer Glow supports the work of The Guidance Center’s three Community Resource Centers (CRCs) in River Rouge, Southgate and Taylor (two of which are housed in our Head Start sites), which bring hope and resources to adults and children through various programs including playgroups, literacy events, parenting resources, Clothing Closet, Diaper Depot, and a Toy Chest. For example, the Toy Chest allows parents to “shop” for a new toy to give to their child on birthdays or other special occasions. There is no cost for any services provided through the Community Resource Centers, all of which are open to the public. You can learn more about the CRCs here. This evening also supports the Budd Lynch Endowment Fund for Children.

Summer Champion Sponsors

Patrick & Karen Smithbauer

Island Hopper Sponsors

Kevin Gilhool & Dr. Pina Finazzo
Andy & Wanda Giancamilli
Stephen Stieler


Beacon Light Sponsors

Finazzo Construction – Johnpaul & Liesa Finazzo
The Southward Family

The O’Brien Family


Budd Lynch Tribute Sponsors

In memory of Bill & Pat Kaiser
Marty & Loretta Daly
Gregory & Shannon Genter
Bruce & Tammy Ranck

Dr. Diana Silas

Aaron Taylor


Glow Friends

Matthew & Gillian Andrews
Jerry & Mary Bringard
John & Nancy Colina
Joe & Jan Connors
Tom & Marie Daly
George & Christina Gorno
Roger & Jill Guthrie
Tom & Laura Huot
Chris & Trisha Mans
Scott Georges & Dr. Meredith McLaughlin
Dr. Daniel & Victoria Murphy
Waltraud Prechter
Thomas & Lindsay Rudy
Michael & Amber Sabat
Kari & Roberta Walker

Dr. William & Lisa Athens

Vince & Katie Vitale

Nick & Jessica Laske

Paul & Michelle Thrasher
Rob Molnar

Rosé Sponsor


Summer Glow Supporters

John & Anna Finazzo

Sponsorship Levels

Summer Champion: $5,000

Event naming opportunity / Inclusion in press releases and event program / On-site signage / Recognition during event / Corporate logo displayed on the website and social media

Help our Community Resource Centers (CRCs) co-located at three Guidance Center Head Start sites provide programming at no cost enabling families to navigate life’s challenges.
Six event tickets are included.

Island Hopper: $3,000

Event naming opportunity / Inclusion in press releases and event program / On-site signage / Recognition during event / Corporate logo displayed on the website and social media

Help our CRCs provide adult-child interaction groups that offer parents/guardians opportunities to support their child’s development in the context of group activities, connect with other parents/guardians of young children, reduce isolation, and build community.
Five event tickets are included.

Beacon Light: $2,000

Event naming opportunity / Inclusion in press releases and event program / On-site signage / Recognition during event / Corporate logo displayed on the website and social media

Help our Literacy Events engage our community in supporting literacy in a fun, family-friendly way with side-by-side learning, parent-child relations, and increased parent involvement.
Four event tickets are included.

Budd Lynch Tribute: $1,500

Event naming opportunity / Inclusion in press releases and event program / On-site signage / Recognition during event / Corporate logo displayed on the website and social media

Help the Budd Lynch Endowment Fund for Children established by longtime volunteer and supporter Budd Lynch. His love of supporting children is the heart of the early childhood fund and we continue his legacy.
Two event tickets are included.

Glow Friend: $1,000

Inclusion in press releases and event program / On-site signage / Recognition during event

Help our Clothing Closet and Diaper Depot, which assists families in need of these services. Through donations we provide clothing and diapers on an emergency basis to families who have exhausted their resources.
Two event tickets are included.

Tickets and Sponsorships

This event is sold out! To support Summer Glow with a donation, please use the form below:

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